
The Center for Population and Health provided funding for research on aging in two ways:

  • By providing funds for faculty release time and/or pilot research proposals
  • By providing, in cooperation with the Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (GUROP), support for students who are interested in doing research on aging.

Faculty and students who are funded under any of these mechanisms were expected to attend the monthly seminars on aging sponsored by the Center and to submit a report at the end of the funding period describing their research progress.

Our goal was to stimulate research on aging, broadly construed. We welcomed applications from scholars in the humanities, and in social, biomedical, and physical sciences. Grants were reviewed by the Steering Committee for the Center for Population and Health Aging Initiative.

These funds were made available from two sources:

  • The Behavioral and Social Research Program of the National Institute on Aging under grant number K07-AG19165, “Infrastructure for Aging and Health Research at Georgetown University”
  • Research funds of the Center for Population and Health and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

If you have questions or suggestions, please get in touch with Maxine Weinstein by e-mail at, or by phone at (202) 687-6748. 

(last updated: January 2015)